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Ally (2002)

Ally (2002)

Mulsim Porn

I’m interested in what makes Muslim porn different. It surely exists, but you won’t be finding much on IMBD.

Porn is a special sort of film. I believe that film in general is where we do most of our experiments in how we reason about the world. Yes, even in popular film. Depending on your philosophy, film determines or reflects trends in such reasoning and sex is central to many of those experiments.

Monitoring trends in porn tell you scads about a society, so among other windows into Islamic culture, this cinematic thread is interesting.

Enter John B Root. If I understand correctly, he is French by heritage but grew up in Egypt. He produces in Paris, but his subjects are Arabian girls who live in the Arab outskirts, what the French call “Beurettes,” both the girls and places.

The market is the Arab world, though you can get these through the ordinary channels in the West.

Here’s what to look for to distinguish this porn from the ordinary: There’s a lot of kissing of female ankles.

In fact the form of this specific movie is a documentary about the girl Ally who enters the “adult industry.” So we get folding where we see her in front of the camera and behind, following her. She does all the ordinary western porn stuff but has to be shown this foot business.

Why is this, do you suppose?

Posted in 2007

Ted’s Evaluation — 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.


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