This is a working site while I regenerate and consolidate prior filmsfolding and filmsfolded sites and IMDB content.
The filmsfolding project started around 2000, as I left my conventional research community and decided to model introspection more deeply. I was astonished to discover the sophistication we employ in film for amusement. I started a serious program of viewing with this in mind, and incidentally wrote comments for IMDB. Eventually, I commented on nearly 5,000 as the site’s most prolific commenter: tedg. This was before the appearance of the social media giants. A substantial community (a core of about a thousand) coalesced around these comments and associated ideas.
I subsequently embarked on an ambitious plan with many experiments, some of which were public on the web. These ultimately ceased as research in other domains occupied my time. I am now in a different country, modelling influence in a more general and applied way. The films-centric study is likely to be rekindled; in the meanwhile I have set up this ‘collection’ site for the IMDB comments and any new ones I write. The remaining original comments on IMDB are accessible through IMDB or a clever search service provided by a new friend.
I am not posting new comments to IMDB; instead I am adding them here as I move the IMDB comments over. They are tagged ‘New Comments’. The issues with IMDB are:
A few of these that I’m moving over from IMDB are pretty good, but not many I am afraid. I hope to get back to this study soon and bridge to the other rather deep domains I am working on.
Because this is a project in slow progress, dialog is likely to be sparse. But feel free to send a message or post a comment.