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Krull (1983)
A world light-years beyond your imagination.
Filmmaker(s): Peter Yates

A prince and a fellowship of companions set out to rescue his bride from a fortress of alien invaders who have arrived on their home planet.

Organic There may still be people who watch projects like this for adventure. Heck, there are even people who get their theology from such stuff, currently “Rings” and “Matrix.” But for me, the allure is a matter of style. This film was conceived in the...
Published February 26, 2023
| Categorised as IMDB Comments, Twos |
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A Separate Peace (2004)
Filmmaker(s): Peter Yates

Four friends with one dark secret they could never outrun.

Parallel Branches Some books seem natural for high school study. They need to be simple to read, but contain enough ambiguity and analogy to show students that real literature is more than a plot. If the book is set in high school, so much the...
Published December 25, 2022
| Categorised as IMDB Comments, Ones |
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