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Glitch (2008)
Filmmaker(s): Randy Daudlin

A trio of brainboxes create a cell phone chip that allows telepathic communication. But when the experiment goes wrong and power falls into the wrong hands, the results are terrifying.

Glitch (2008)

Canine Cells

This is bad in all the ordinary ways. The idea is bad and the general setup. The science is bad.

But many of the background characters are worthwhile. The usual pattern for these cartoony projects is to have the main characters operate in an environmental sea of props and secondary characters who are little more than props. If you innovate with the main characters in some way, you never tinker with the background; the more familiar it is, the better.

This confounds that approach, because the secondary characters are pretty well drawn and interesting.

We have the brother of one of the three main characters. He‘s a huge, taciturn Baby Huey who has brain damage from combat in Iraq. We have the father of another character, someone written with some sensitivity to the fact that he is a failed neurophysiologist.

Though we hardly would need a skilled brain surgeon for the story because so many fundamental necessities are elided, we are provided with one. He has lost his license for substance abuse. That’s boring, but everything else about him is pretty interesting — even the set dressing of his cabin. The plot has his handiwork going awry implicitly because of his work with wolves. So if you find yourself stuck in this, look around.

Posted in 2010

Ted’s Evaluation — 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.


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