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Betty Boop’s Hallowe’en Party (1933)
Filmmaker(s): Dave Fleischer

Betty Boop hosts a Hallowe'en party with a few uninvited guests.

Betty Boop’s Hallowe’en Party (1933)


I really like some of these Betty Boop cartoons. Many of the early ones deal with the overlap of evil, sex and hallucinogens, often mixed with jazz and Black men. This is one of the tamer ones in terms of the evil tone: she’s in control where often she isn’t.

But it is worth seeing quite apart from that because it is pre-code Betty. The animator had a real sense of sexual movement, and in spite of her dog’s face this is one enticing body. When she calls the demon-bears to her party, she does so by bending over and wiggling her panty-covered butt at us three times. That wouldn’t happen in a couple years.

Posted in 2005

Ted’s Evaluation — 3 of 3: Worth watching.


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