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8 Women (2002)
Living in a house full of women can be murder.
Filmmaker(s): François Ozon

Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspect, each having her own motive and secret.

8 Women (2002)

3 Women Really

I had a lot of trouble with this film. I get what it is trying to do and particularly appreciate the notion. The distance between the story and the music is like that great bowling alley scene in “Buffalo 66” (and the similar bowling alley scene in “Lebowski”). The distance between the film mystery and mystery films is something like “Murder by Death”, but less manic.

Each actress gets her turn at a showcase scene and her scene which turns the story. But only three are intelligent enough to place themselves in that odd place of the film. Of these, only good old Isabelle Huppert masters the situation. Because the actresses don’t understand the tone, the film seems somewhat silly.

Posted in 2003

Ted’s Evaluation — 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.


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